“Mistress Jane of Reading and Madame C are a perfect blend for someone wishing to experience a dynamic double play session. Intense,spontaneous ,realistic and mind blowing you will be swept away to another world where fantasy really does meet fantasy.
I felt like I had stepped into a world that was so realistic it took me days to come down from the high. The attention to detail,the ebb and flow of their energy kept me on a sexual edge that I have never experienced before. If you want somthing different that takes you away from the traditional session I suggest you put on your safety belt book the ride and have your breath taken away.” Ed , Switzerland.
We offer tailored sessions for more unusual scenarios where we have our naughty girlfriends involved to create a realistic womans world of domination.-Medical scenarios, kidnap and interogation scenes,public humiliation,school day scenes,Aunties and nephew, girls only party who capture a naughty peeping boy, the list is endless and only limited by your imagination.