The Medical Clinic

Nurse Jane will be joining me today to set up the clinic for a private photo shoot. Our patient will be shaved, bed bathed and dressed in his medical gown before having a through medical examination. After notes have been taken and assessments completed he will be moved on to he genealogical table for an…

Cuckolding by Madame C

After 10 years of marriage, my very good friend Maria came to me with a confession that she had become totally bored with her husband. She found him constantly criticizing the size of his own penis and referring to it as small and that it wasn’t performing any longer. Maria knows about my passion for…

Fetish – view point from the vanilla media

I love to find out about how different people, cultures, and establishments view fetish and in doing so came across an article from Ask Men………..they certainly don’t match my view point of the top ten fetishes in my kinky world! But interesting anyway…… history of fetishes The word fetish originally meant “charm,” and it originates…

Medical Examination with Nurse C

The patient stood nervously in front of me, the bright lights directly above him only highlighting his demise from the world he left behind the medical room door. He began to fidget nervously with his blue inspection gown ,trying to pull it lower and cover his rather swollen cock that was trying to push out…

The beginnings of Rubber and Latex Clothing

Whilst doing some research about by we like kinky sex and BDSM I stumbled across an article written in The Guardian about an individual called John Sutcliffe who in 1957 brought extreme fetish wear into the living room and introduced a leather and rubber magazine to the masses called Atomage - (Please check it out…

Kinky Kidnap Capers

Kinky Kidnap Capers by Angelica   Over the last few weeks Madame had cause on a number of occasions to reprimand me for sloppy attention to my duties around the house, poor timekeeping and what she referred to as a bit of a ‘chippy’ attitude. She told me that unless things improved ‘there would be…

A thank you….Madame C

I meet amazing people as a result of the world I play in. I would like to say a big thank you to all the souls who have been brave enough to pick up the phone and take the courage to live out their fantasies…..explore their alter ego and dare to be different.Long may it…

Sensory Deprivation Slave

  His naked body lay strapped helplessly in front of Madame C….His white  flesh a stark contrast to the black utilitarian bench that it had been secured to. A strap had been placed around his neck so he couldn’t look up, across or down at what was happening…he was helpless!  His big swollen cock had…