Bookings/Same Day appointments.
I have a lot of enquiries for same day bookings. By all means you may call me and see if there are any appointments available, however, I do like to prepare everything for my clients-physically and mentally . As I am sure you are aware preparation is crucial in the successful execution of anything in life-the rooms, clothes and items that are used are especially prepared for each individual, and that process allows me to psychologically get myself into the mind set for our play. If you do make a same day appointment I cannot always guarantee an exact match to your diary, which is why I suggest as much notice as possible is advisable. If you do want to try on the day please phone early! Thank you.
E-Mails and Text Messages
To confirm- I endeavour to answer e-mail enquiries within 24 hours, unless I am away. I only respond to texts from regular clientele or those whom I have authorised to use text messaging. Than You