Definitions of Sissies-according to Collins Dictionary
1. an effeminate, weak, or cowardly boy or man
2. effeminate, weak, or cowardly also (informal or dialect): sissified, cissified
wimp, softie, weakling, baby, wet, coward, jessie, pansy, pussy, pussycat, mummy’s boy, mollycoddle, namby-pamby, wuss, milksop, milquetoast, sisspot
wimpish or wimpy, soft, weak, wet, cowardly, feeble, unmanly, effeminate, namby-pamby, wussy, sissified
Definitions of Sissies according to Madame C
1 . A male that is dressed in the pinkest, girlish, frilliest clothes possible and preferably forced to wear my used panties and acts in an effeminate manner. Is forced to wear makeup and a wig and scented with perfume.
3. A male that once transformed( sissified) gets used by a big throbbing strapon in their man pussy and lipstick painted lips. Has their tiny weeny sissy cock locked or taped away. Becomes the property of Madame C and wears a necklace saying sissy. Gets used for whatever Madame C wants.
Sissyslut, ………pet, amusement, wimpish or wimpy, soft, weak, wet, cowardly, feeble, unmanly, effeminate, namby-pamby, wussy, sissified, sissycuck